17. On the 11th month, we once again celebrated one of the most important events of the independent Czech state – the Velvet Revolution 1. But it was truly a victory that the revolution and the coup of state power took place in a nonviolent and relatively peaceful way. Or we allowed former state politicians to move to the current structure of the Republic. This is a question that every citizen of our country must ask himself, and certainly there is no simple answer to it.

volby, hlasování

The Beginning of Great Hope

After the fateful day of the 11th month, when it was clear that the Soviet Union would not intervene in state affairs, the final abolition of the socialist regime, the first free elections and the division of the Czechoslovak state took place. People really felt there was a noticeable relaxation and things were starting to move in the right direction. That is, the separation from the influence of Eastern socialism to the first integration into Western capitalism. Of course, that\’s what we thought. The first warning point was the so-called coupon privatization. , When a state asset is sold to a private investor for significantly less than its actual market value. The involvement of power structures in this economic reform tends to be one of the key arguments in the subsequent tunneling of privatization plans.

After this shock, Czech society did not have time to rehabilitate itself and prepare for what was supposed to be a major blow to the rule of law and democratic principles. in 1998、.It effectively integrated the then parliamentary elections 2 rivals, Schweinsteiger, led by Milos Zeman, and the ODS, led by Wenceslas Krauss, into the Lower House. At that time, the connotations of this political agreement were clearly pronounced: soon after the revolution and the acquisition of the promise of hope, society was once again undermined, and a bitter aftertaste came from the actions of political leaders.
revoluce, režim

Yes, it may be good

The opposition Treaty seems to open the floodgates for politically pervasive and open-minded actions that have been involved in controversies of a variety of nature and very obvious economic crimes. For example,H system case, Opencard case, Grippen case, Pandur caseor most recentlyStork nest case. Thanks to these corruption cases, the Czech people have already lost faith in free elections, so it is not surprising that even 30 years later they are in a state of inability to compete with Western countries in terms of social, economic and political levels. It is not surprising that people lose hope when there are no elections for political representatives, and it is not surprising that disgust and bad taste reign in society In a way, we can do it ourselves. It is up to us to influence this country. If we don\’t like anything, we should be involved publicly and politically, because taunting beer and television has not changed anything yet.
